
我们的西班牙语课程是基于语言是一种动态的社会实践的信念, serving as a gateway to interdisciplinary exploration and cultural understanding

four students sit at a table and converse

About Our Program

  • Our simple guiding principle: language is a social practice. 我们的项目是独特的,因为我们以社区为基础的教学方法. 
  • 我们的目标和宗旨是促进跨文化交流,基于你能做什么有意义的语言, real-world contexts. 
  • Spanish is inherently interdisciplinary. Course topics include environmental issues, migration, race, gender, urban culture, literature, and much more.  
  • We offer three Spanish major tracks: Spanish Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Cultures, and Interdisciplinary Studies in Spanish. 

At a Glance

Degree Awarded

  • Bachelor of Arts

Field Group

Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Program Type

Area of Study

Spanish & Our Values

Pitzer’s core values are woven throughout all our academic programs. Learn how our Spanish program addresses the value of intercultural understanding.

Intercultural Understanding

我们在哥斯达黎加和厄瓜多尔提供一个学期的海外学习项目,在哥斯达黎加提供一个暑期项目. 你也可以通过阿根廷、智利、古巴、墨西哥和西班牙的批准项目出国留学.

View Study Abroad Programs
100% Cultural Immersion


Student Experiences

veronica martinez portrait

A Global Education

As an Organizational Studies and Spanish major, Veronica Martinez’s ’21 全球英语教学的经验已经证明,在全球化的世界中,双语的力量可以增加一个人的社会和文化知识.

Pitzer Voices

Diego Borgsdorf Fuenzalida '24, an Anthropology and Spanish major, 研究了皮诺切特独裁统治引发的智利流亡所归还的物品和档案文件.

Read Diego's Story
headshhot of diego borgsdorf fuenzalida wearing a collared shirt and tie
“匹泽学院的西班牙语课程不仅提高了我的写作能力, think, and speak in Spanish, 但也打开了我的世界观,让我接触到在这个国家常常闻所未闻的新的学术和文化讨论. Spanish at Pitzer is not only about language development, 这也是值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台发展跨文化知识和工具包,帮助我成长为一个民族志研究者和智利裔美国人.”

Diego Borgsdorf Fuenzalida ’24


Anthropology and Spanish major

Student Resources


Fletcher Jones Languages and Cultures Resource Center


Explore Our Language Lab

Spanish Program Details

View Course Catalog

Choose one of three Spanish tracks: Spanish Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Cultures, or Interdisciplinary Studies in Spanish.  

What You Will Learn

  • How to participate with confidence in a community of speakers of the language.
  • 如何理解和识别社会文化背景的差异及其社会影响.
  • 如何解释欣赏跨文化人类经历的复杂性的重要性.
  • Citizenship skills and increased self-awareness and personal growth. 
  • 如何审视一个社区中相互联系的成员所共有的权利和责任.
  • How to identify your own personal strengths, limits, goals, fears, 或者偏见,因为它们与演讲者社区的成员互动有关.
  • How to explain the connections between personal, interpersonal, community, and socio-political transformation.
  • 了解另一种语言的价值,了解如何成为一个终身学习者.
  • 将语言的使用扩展到大学之外,以发展个人关系和探索新的社会空间的重要性.

Learn More

Visit the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures field group page for more information and resources. 

Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group

强烈建议以西班牙语为母语的学生参加西班牙语50课程, which counts toward the major and minor requirements.

Major Requirements

General requirements for the three tracks are:

  1. 西班牙语能力在进入专业时达到中级水平(大二结束),在完成时达到高级或高级水平(ACTFL标准).
  2. 在国外或美国境内至少有一个西班牙语社区的沉浸式体验, as determined with the adviser.
  3. 每个课程中有八门必修课程应以西班牙语授课,并且应在SPAN 044 PZ以上 . 经导师同意,这八门课程可以与西班牙语或其他课程交叉列出,课程编号低于SPAN 044 PZ, such as SPAN 031 PZ – Community–Based Spanish Practicum.
  4. In addition, 每个学生将完成以下课程之一的要求(至少9至10门课程). Courses listed below are sample options. Course selection should be made in consultation with the major faculty adviser.

 Track One: Spanish Language and Literature

  1. One theory of language course or an equivalent, for example: LGCS 010 PZ.
  2. One course on literary analysis or an equivalent, for example: SPAN 101 SC.
  3. 一门为学生所关注的文学领域提供社会文化或历史背景的课程.
  4. Six courses with a focus on the literature of either Spain or Latin America, or a comparative transatlantic study.
  5. SPAN 199 PZ, a capstone senior research project.

 Track Two: Spanish Language and Cultures

  1. One course as a theoretical foundation for understanding culture, for example: ANTH 002 PZ, SOC 001 PZ.
  2. One course that connects language and society, for example: LGCS 112 PZ, LGCS 115 PZ, LGCS 116 PZ, ANTH 003 PZ, ANTH 117 PZ. 
  3. 一门基础课程,为学生关注的领域提供社会文化或历史背景, for example: SPAN 102 CM, HIST 011 PZ, HIST 032 CH, HIST 100I CH.
  4. Six courses focused on the study of one or two Spanish–speaking cultures.
  5. SPAN 199 PZ, a capstone senior research project.

Track Three: Interdisciplinary Studies in Spanish


  1. One course as a theoretical foundation for understanding culture, for example: ANTH 002 PZ, SOC 001 PZ.
  2. One introductory course in the emphasis area.
  3. 一门为学生的重点领域提供社会文化或历史背景的课程.
  4. Four elective upper–division courses in Spanish.
  5. Two courses in the emphasis that are taught in Spanish.
  6. SPAN 199 PZ, a capstone senior research project.



Sigma Delta Pi

Pitzer College is a member of The Claremont Colleges chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the national Spanish honor society. 三年级和四年级的成员是根据学术地位和由分会和国家协会制定的资格规定选出的. Information may be obtained from Professor Ethel Jorge.


Students may consider a combined major with Spanish; it requires a minimum of six courses in Spanish.

  • 辅修西班牙语要求成功完成六门西班牙语分级课程, five of them above SPAN 033 PZ. 
  • The sixth course will be in a language immersion setting (community-based Spanish, internship, study abroad, or other). 
  • 学生将与指导老师一起调整辅修课程,并制定一个简短的书面目标的基本原理. 
  • Two of the courses should be taken in the Northern Colleges (Pitzer, CMC, Scripps); exceptions require written approval.

Spanish Faculty

arianna alfaro portrait

Arianna Alfaro-Porras

  • Senior Lecturer and Global Engagement Coordinator
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
portrait of juanity aristizaba

Juanita Aristizábal

  • Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
makela brizuela portrait

Makela Brizuela

  • Visiting Lecturer
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
fely catan portrait

Fély Catan

  • Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Modern Laguages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
Jose luis flores portrait

José Luis Flórez

  • Senior Lecturer and Assessment Specialist
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
portrait of paula Gutierrez

Paula Gutierrez

  • Senior Lecturer and Lower Division and Placement Coordinator
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group
No profile image for Yuting Jia

Yuting Jia

  • Visiting Spanish Lecturer
  • Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Field Group

Contact us

portrait of juanity aristizaba
Juanita Aristizábal
  • Professor of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Field Group

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