
Aerial of Pitzer Campus

为在读学生探索我们的综合资源, 其中包括出国留学的所有费用, summer study abroad, summer sessions, 还有值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台休假的信息,以及给即将毕业的大四学生的有用提示. 无论你是在计划下一次学术冒险还是准备毕业, 在这里找到你需要的所有指导和支持.

Study Abroad Semester

Financial aid recipients who study abroad for the semester through a Pitzer approved program are eligible to receive financial aid during their abroad semester.

In general, students who study abroad are eligible to receive the same level of aid while abroad as they would if they were at Pitzer. Below are the differences students may see between a Pitzer semester and a Study Abroad semester.


出国留学的学生需要支付相当于全日制学费的费用, 学生活动费, 校内住宿和16餐计划的费用, 除了600美元的旅行捐款.


你在国外学习一个学期的费用应该和在Pitzer学习一个学期的费用差不多, 但还有其他的差异需要考虑. For example, 如果你通常选择12或14餐计划, you may see an increase in your charges when you study abroad because charges are based on the 16-meal plan. 如果你在值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台住在校外, you will see your charges increase when you study abroad because charges are based on the universal room rate and16-meal plan.

However, 勤工俭学的学生也将把勤工俭学转换为助学金, which means most work-study students will still see an overall decrease in their bill when they go abroad vs. when they are at Pitzer.

如果你对你的具体费用有疑问,并希望比较费用, 请随时值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的办公室.

While studying 在国外,学生没有资格工作 through Pitzer. 甚至远程工作都是不允许的. 因此,勤工俭学的分配被取消,而你的需要则用助学金来满足. 这项助学金不直接支付给学生. Instead, it is paid directly to the Student Account at the start of the semester to reduce the family’s bill/costs to Pitzer.

Students who earn more than their work-study allotment each semester will notice a decrease in overall income when going abroad. Students who work but are not work-study recipients will lose the ability to have earnings while abroad.

Each semester, 你的学费包括去匹泽的估计旅费, $50 - $500(取决于你的永久居住地). When you study abroad, this travel expense is removed from your cost of attendance and replaced by the the $600 Study Abroad travel fee.

留学旅行费用直接记入学生账户. Only one travel contribution 是你在匹泽工作期间考虑的问题吗. Students who study abroad for more than one semester will not receive assistance for a second travel contribution.

Summer Abroad


2024年夏季出国留学的综合费用为1.2万美元. 2025年夏季的成本仍不得而知.

Aid Options

暑期出国留学的经济援助可以帮助支付综合费用, which includes tuition, fees, housing and meals.

  • Pitzer Grant Aid: Available to Pitzer need-based aid recipients – eligible amount is based on student’s financial need
  • 佩尔助学金:提供给值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台·佩尔助学金获得者
  • Federal Loans: Available to Pitzer students who borrowed and have not exhausted their loan eligibility for the year

被考虑给予援助, students must provide all financial aid documents required for the upcoming academic year (2023-24) and sign a Summer Abroad Aid Agreement form. The Office of Financial Aid will email study abroad participants directly once aid notifications and the Summer Abroad Aid Agreement are available.

Students who study abroad over the summer receive aid equivalent to 2 courses (half-time) of enrollment. 因此,预计参与者将参加一个半学期(2门课程)。 at some point 当他们回来时(通常是他们大四的最后一个学期).

Students who choose to enroll full-time during their half-time semester are financially responsible for the additional costs. 如果您对这项政策有任何疑问,请值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的办公室.

Traditional students

第一次,一年级学生有资格获得8个学期的经济援助. By enrolling in summer study abroad, you use half a semester of financial aid eligibility.

Transfer students 

Transfer students are eligible for pro-rated semesters of financial aid based on their courses transferred at the time of admission. By enrolling in summer study abroad, you use half a semester of your pro-rated aid eligibility.

New Resource Students 

NRS有资格获得32门课程的经济援助. If you are a New Resource student, you use the equivalent of 2 courses of financial aid eligibility. 这两门课程计入你的最高资助资格.

Summer Session


值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的暑期课程可以帮助学生赶上或领先. 访问暑期课程了解更多有关课程和其他截止日期的信息.

目前还不清楚2025年暑期班的学费. 援助不包括住房 & meals,独立学习课程,或在其他克莱蒙特学院的课程.

Aid Options
  • Pitzer Grant Aid: Available to Pitzer need-based aid recipients who register in 1 or 2 courses – Pitzer Grant eligibility is based on available funding and a student’s financial need
  • 佩尔助学金:提供给注册了2门课程的佩尔助学金获得者
  • 联邦贷款:提供给注册了两门课程的借款人

Financial aid is available to assist Pitzer need-based aid recipients with the cost of summer session. All Pitzer financial aid recipients registered for summer session by the priority deadline will automatically be considered for summer session aid; no application is required. The Office of Financial Aid will process summer session aid packages AFTER the close of priority registration and will release aid notifications by the first Friday in May.

The Office of Financial Aid encourages all students to register for the courses they wish to take. 学生可以在暑期课程的第一天之前更改注册.

Leave of Absence

如果你决定在学期开始前请假, your financial aid for that semester is considered unused and does not count toward your total semesters of aid eligibility. See 援助资格政策 in the Policies 详情请浏览我们的网站.

It is important that you complete any leave paperwork with the Registrar’s Office before the semester starts and that you do not attend/start classes for the term.

Important Information

While you are on leave, 您将不会收到电子邮件通信 来自财政援助办公室. It is important that you communicate with us and submit all documents for your aid application.

  • March 2: 财政援助优先截止日期
  • March 15: Last day to apply to return for fall semester (complete return paperwork with the Registrar)
  • October 15: Last day to apply to return for spring semester (complete return paperwork with the Registrar)

If you start/attend classes (even one day), for financial aid purposes you have started the semester. 这意味着你的援助(联邦), 州和机构)将根据你出席的天数按比例分配.

Federal financial aid will be adjusted based on a federal calculation called Return of Title IV funds (R2T4). See 返回标题IV (R2T4) in the Policies section of our website. 匹泽助学金也将采用类似的计算方法进行调整.

在你的援助被调整后, the Office of Financial Aid will send you a revised notification letter outlining the aid you received for the semester.


Taking a leave after the semester has started means that you have used a semester of aid eligibility, 哪些因素会影响你的助学金资格. See 援助资格政策 in the Policies 详情请浏览我们的网站.

Important Information

While you are on leave, 您将不会收到电子邮件通信 来自财政援助办公室. It is important that you communicate with us and submit all documents for your aid application.

  • March 2: 财政援助优先截止日期
  • March 15: Last day to apply to return for fall semester (complete return paperwork with the Registrar)
  • October 15: Last day to apply to return for spring semester (complete return paperwork with the Registrar)

Graduating Seniors

所有通过联邦直接贷款计划借款的学生, 前联邦珀金斯贷款计划, 或匹泽大学贷款计划的学生需要完成退出咨询.

在4月19日星期五之前完成退出咨询 以免你的帽子和长袍被卡住.

Pitzer College & 联邦珀金斯贷款借款人: 联系伊丽莎白·维达莱斯(伊丽莎白.vidales@claremont.edu) in the Student Loan Department at The Claremont Colleges Services Office to complete this exit counseling.

联邦直接补贴/非补贴借款人: Complete this exit counseling online on the Federal Student Aid website.

Visit Federal Student Aid and go to “My Aid” to view your federal aid history and your lender’s contact information. The U.S. 教育部将把你的贷款分配给一个服务机构,由他来管理你的还款.

Repayment Plans

There are various repayment plans to help students avoid default and hurting their financial future. Visit the Federal Student Aid website for all repayment plan options.

Useful Links

Annual Credit Report





Manage Loans – Federal Student Aid


Student Loan Deferment

